DIY Automotive Tips for Maintaining Your Mercedes-Benz

July 20th, 2022 by

How to Service a Mercedes-Benz by Yourself?

Not all services can be completed to perfection on our own since many of these tasks demand forklifts, in-ground lifts, or expert assistance. However, certain repairs or replacements can be done even in remote areas without service stations. If you are on a trip out to the countryside and have been struggling to find a nearby location with all types of services, you can always make use of the DIY tips on how to service a Mercedes-Benz by yourself. Let’s take a closer look at the service options you can choose to handle on your own. For further assistance with repairs and regular maintenance, get in touch with the Star Motor Cars Dealership in Houston, TX.

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Oil Change

As soon as your vehicle runs out of fluids, the engine starts faltering in its function. Every component becomes drier and rough when the lubricant has broken down over time. Changing the oil can be a bit difficult for first-timers, but once you get the hang of it, the process is easy. Every time you buy and pour in new oil, make sure to drop the old oil at a collection center.

Belt and Spark Plug Replacement

Though these two aren’t placed close to each other in a vehicle, removing and replacing them are easier than the other parts. Visit a nearby shop and buy a wrench and socket to replace the damaged belt. Spark plugs can also be purchased at local auto parts stores and placed conveniently in their position to improve the function of the ignition system.

[Also Read: Get Genuine Mercedes-Benz Service in Houston, TX]

New Air Filter

Debris in the filter can cause a gradual loss of efficiency. Smoother breathing inside the cabin is guaranteed by the new air filter, so make sure to replace it when the passengers feel uneasy inside the vehicle. A new air filter lets in cleaner air through the A/C.

Mercedes-Benz Services in Houston, TX

Want more assistance with the above repairs, tire changing and rotating, flushing gear oil, or replacing the windshield wipers? Get in touch with the Star Motor Cars Dealership for instant service assistance. You can now schedule an appointment with us!